Saturday, September 17, 2011

Virtual Release

Links and Libations
 Last night our good friends showed up to usher Bob's newest cd, "Metamorphoses," at Grizzy's Cafe.  DJ Symmetry Munro (AKA ... well, it seems to be something new monthly) played the new cd in its entirety and then her favorites from his previous albums and his brother Bear's album, "Untroubled."

Very nice turnout
 Although I bet Bob didn't think you could dance to his music, many folks did (amazingly - or not - Miss Kero's ballet chim seems to go with anything). They also claimed they were going to buy music, but if they downloaded it from iTunes, we won't know for sure for months.  We did get an order at his website, which is for people who want physical cds or, or, the magical Harmonic Capo!

Our Trend-setting DJ and Mr. Trend-setting DJ
Thanks again to all our friends for coming by, listening, and liking what they heard!  And now that we've dipped his toes, maybe Bob will join us in the virtual world again.

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